Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ten reasons for SOA adoption

Hariharan put together a good list of reasons that support the decision towards an SOA:

  • Long-term vision and business strategy to align your business process and IT systems
  • Aquisitions and Mergers
  • Modernize your IT infrastructure and business systems
  • Quick changing Business Processes
  • Integration of Silos
  • Standard based approach
  • Decouple your application business logic
  • Best ROI for your IT investment
  • Interacting with many third party vendors and partners
  • Better control managing your service infrastructure

Monday, January 19, 2009

Service Reliability

This morning I was looking for a radio clock that can connect my iPhone and my first stop was the Digitech website as their prices are usually very good. I was getting one Page Load Error after the other until I gave up and went to their shop in Dietikon.

It turned out that not only their website was down, but their whole ordering and payment system had massive issues. Given that Digitech has no large shops (the shops are mainly stocks with a counter to pay…) these problems will probably cost them a whole lot of money - at least I went to the competitor cross the street and bought there…

Such an example dramatically shows the need for Monitoring and Problem Tracing Tools in crucial IT systems within a corporate. Products like Progress Actional can monitor IT infrastructure environments and trace down problems quickly. The time to resolve issues is massively reduced and (financial) risk is minimized.

BTW, while writing this, the shop homepage came up again – looks like they finally fixed it :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Database backup into the cloud

Oracle now offers to backup critical data into the cloud which will increase performance (according to Oracle). See here and here.
Integration to Amazons S3 is already available.

Is this direct competition to EMCs efforts or more support for them?

Customer experiences will show how issues like SLAs and Security are handled…

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Is SOA really dead ?!

According to Anne Thomas Manes it is - but it is weird to say that the focus was to technical (rather than architectural) and then stating that services is the right way to go now.

Isn't that actually a step back to a technology focused way of seeing it? Isn't SOA the big picture that we're missing?

I agree that many projects fail because of the overall architecture not being consistent. But I do believe that SOA is still the right way to go. We just have to keep in mind that we are just at the beginning of the journey and all this is just now getting (kind of) mature...

In my eyes the creation, integration and publication of services (even in Cloud Computing) can - and should - still be based on an SOA. So maybe the name will change, but the architecture will survive.

In 2009 the economical crisis will force the industry to focus on quick ROI and therefore the projects will get smaller. The 5-year-ahead-planning days are gone. But still SOA can deliver value in these environment and maybe this is even a good thing, as the number of failures will be reduced.

referring to :

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SOA Predictions for 2009

1126309_2009 InfoQ has published a good article, collecting predictions where SOA will go in 2009:

I especially like the phrase "SOA Gets Cloudy" - hope it will happen in 2009...

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